What is Mecha?
Mecha originally started in the 1960s as a Chicanx student organization for promoting political and cultural unity and empowerment. The organization has gone through many changes since then. Today, you do not need to be Chicanx or a college student to join Mecha.
Mecha is best described as a political student organization operating in Shoshone, Paiute, Goshute, and Ute land. Mecha is the Spanish word for fuse or wick. We believe Mecha will be a spark that starts the revolution. Our main focus is the empowerment and liberation of all colonized and oppressed people.
The 3 main components of MECHA are education, community work, and activism. MECHA utilizes its book club, social media, and events to discuss revolutionary ideas. MECHA hosts a high school conference and participates in activities that contribute to the distribution of resources and build up of community power.
Mecha is best described as a political student organization operating in Shoshone, Paiute, Goshute, and Ute land. Mecha is the Spanish word for fuse or wick. We believe Mecha will be a spark that starts the revolution. Our main focus is the empowerment and liberation of all colonized and oppressed people.
The 3 main components of MECHA are education, community work, and activism. MECHA utilizes its book club, social media, and events to discuss revolutionary ideas. MECHA hosts a high school conference and participates in activities that contribute to the distribution of resources and build up of community power.